Swollen Tonsils, Swollen Throat or Sore Tonsils - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Home Remedies and Prevention - - COREHEALTH INFO Swollen Tonsils, Swollen Throat or Sore Tonsils - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Home Remedies and Prevention - - COREHEALTH INFO

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    Swollen Tonsils, Swollen Throat or Sore Tonsils - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Home Remedies and Prevention -

    Tonsils are two lymph nodes which are part of the lymphatic system, that are located at the back of the throat which help to protect against foreign substances like bacteria and viruses. They function as a defense mechanism and act as a porous device for removing and trapping impurities like germs that could penetrate into the airways to cause infections.



    Tonsils also produce antibodies to fight against infections on its own. After the germs are being trapped by the tonsils, inhaled particles
    are carried to the lymphatic system, which are then disposed off by the immune system. But occasionally the tonsils themselves becomes infected when they are flooded by bacteria or viruses,then they tend to swell, cause redness, increase in size, inflict pain and in some cases white or red spots can be seen on the tonsils, a known condition called TONSILLITIS .


    Tonsillitis is common in children, especially children who come in close contact with others at school to play, which in turn exposes them to different kinds viruses and bacteria. This makes them extremely exposed to the possibility of being infected by the germs that causes Tonsillitis. The condition can occur occasionally or re-occur often. In some cases tonsils may even become so swollen that it may interfere with breathing or swallowing.
    There are common infections that cause swollen tonsils and they include:
    • Measles
    • Common cold viruses
    • Herpes simplex virus
    • Strep throat (Bacterial Infection)
    • Mononucleosis
    • Measles


    There are many symptoms of tonsillitis, but it is unlikely for an individual to have them all. The most common types of symptoms include:

    • Severe sore throat
    • Painful swallowing
    • A scratchy-sounding voice
    • Bad breath
    • Feverish feeling
    • Stomach aches
    • Headaches
    • A stiff neck (most common)
    • Tenderness of the jaw and neck that appear swollen and red
    • Tonsils that have white or yellow spots
    Other symptoms which is common especially in young children include:
    • Poor appetite
    • Drooling excessively
    • Increased irritability
    • Difficulty in breathing because the swollen tonsils may have blocked the airways.


    Currently there is no medication that can kill a viral infection but it may be possible to reduce your swollen tonsils using steroids medications, which however, have some side effects. In most cases swollen tonsils caused by bacterial infection can be treated with antibiotics. Normally symptoms usually go away within few days after starting medications. It is also important to note that the full dosage of the prescribed drugs be completed in order for the medication to be effective.

    However, when this does not go away after taking the full course of the antibiotics or in a case of recurrent of strep throat or sleep apnea, a surgical process called Tonsillectomy will have to be carried out. Tonsillectomy is a surgery that is used to remove the tonsils.

    • By drinking plenty of fluids.
    • Getting lots of rest.
    • Gargle with warm salt water several times a day.
    • Use throat lozenges. (Throat lozenges can be a choking hazard for very young children.)
    • Use a humidifier to moisten the air in your home.
    • To avoid smoking.
    • Using over-the-counter pain medications, such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen. (Aspirin can be dangerous for children. Always check with your doctor before giving aspirin to children.)


    Because Tonsillitis can be very contagious, it is advisable to stay away from people who have an active infection in order to reduce your tendency of contacting tonsillitis. Other preventive measures is by regular washing and cleansing of the hands especially after coming in contact with someone who is showing one or more symptoms like coughing, sore throat or sneezing. Also if you are aware that you have Tonsillitis infection, it is best to stay away from others until you are no longer contagious.


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