"Ovarian Cancer is known as a silent killer, learn the causes, signs and symptoms and possible ways to reduce your risk"
When found in its earliest stages, over 90% of women treated for ovarian cancer will live longer than 5 years. Early ovarian cancer is hard to detect, though. Many cases are found after the cancer has spread to other
organs. In these cases, the cancer is much harder to treat and cure.
What Are The Causes of Ovarian Cancer?
The cause of ovarian cancer is unknown, but you have a higher risk of developing ovarian cancer if you:
- Have a family history of it
- Have never been pregnant
- Are over the age of 50
What Are the Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer?
In its early stages, ovarian cancer has few symptoms. The
first sign of it is usually an enlarged ovary. The ovaries are located
deep within the pelvic cavity, so swelling may go unnoticed until it
becomes more advanced.
- Swollen abdomen (caused by build-up of fluids produced by the tumor)
- Lower abdominal and leg pain
- Sudden weight loss or gain
- frequent urination
- Change in how well the bowel or bladder works
- Nausea
- Swelling in the legs
How Can I Protect Myself From Ovarian Cancer?
While there is no clear-cut way to prevent ovarian cancer, you can take steps that may lower your risk and help you or your doctor detect the disease in its early stages. These steps include:- Ask your doctor how often you need a pelvic exam.
- Tell your doctor about any irregular vaginal bleeding or abdominal pain.
- If you have close family members (mother, sister, or daughter) with ovarian cancer, tell your doctor.
- Don't use too much talcum powder on or near the vagina.
- Eat a low-fat diet.
It isn't known for sure if eating a low-fat diet, or one that's rich in
vegetables, can lower your risk. But a healthy diet can lower your risk
for many chronic diseases, including some other types of cancer.
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