Intake of coconut oil can help our bodies mount resistance to both viruses and bacteria that can cause illness. Even more, it also can help to fight off yeast, fungus and candida, it also positively affect our hormones for thyroid and blood-sugar control. People who take coconut oil also tend to have improvements in how they handle blood sugar since coconut can help improve insulin use within the body. Coconut oil can boost thyroid function helping to increase metabolism, energy and endurance. It increases digestion and helps to absorb fat-soluble vitamins.

so, ladies...... apply more coconut oil to your hair
skin care, The benefit of coconut oil on the skin is comparable to that of mineral oil, unlike mineral oil, there has been no observable adverse side effects on the skin with the application of coconut oil. coconut oil also helps in treating various skin problems such as psoriasis,dermatitis, eczema and other skin infections ans also acting as an effective moisturizer on all types of skins including dry skin Therefore, it forms the basic ingredient of various body care products such as soaps, lotions, creams, etc., used for skin care.
increased immunity, Coconut oil is also good for the immune system. It strengthens the immune system as it contains antimicrobial lipids, such as lauric acid which have antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties. The human body converts lauric acid into monolaurin which helps in dealing with viruses and bacteria causing diseases such as herpes, influenza, and even HIV. It helps in fighting harmful bacteria such as listeria monocytogenes and harmful protozoa such as giardia lamblia.
healing infections, coconut oil speeds up the healing process by repairing damaged tissues.when applied on bruises, it also it forms a chemical layer which protects the infected body part from external dust, air, fungi, bacteria and virus when applied on infections. coconut is said to be effective against many types of infections due to its antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial properties. According to the Coconut Research Center, coconut oil kills viruses that cause influenza, measles, hepatitis, herpes, SARS, etc. It also kills bacteria that cause ulcers, throat infections, urinary tract infections, pneumonia, and gonorrhea, etc. Coconut oil is also effective on fungi and yeast that cause candidiasis, ringworm, athlete’s foot, diaper rash, etc.
Other benefits of coconut oil include, stress relief ,maintaining cholesterol levels, weight loss, , proper digestion, relief from kidney problems, heart diseases, high blood pressure, and bone strength.

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