What Causes Cyclothymia (Bipolar Disorder)? Symptoms, Causes and Treatment - COREHEALTH INFO What Causes Cyclothymia (Bipolar Disorder)? Symptoms, Causes and Treatment - COREHEALTH INFO

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    What Causes Cyclothymia (Bipolar Disorder)? Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

    Cyclothymia, also known as "cyclothymic disorder", is a type of mild mood disorder which is widely considered to be a milder form of bipolar disorder. 

    Cyclothymia (Bipolar Disorder)

    Cyclothymia is distinguished by numerous mood disturbances, with periods of hypomanic symptoms that do not meet criteria for a hypomanic episode, changing with phases of mild or moderate symptoms of depression. With cyclothymia, it is likely for
    an individual to  experience periods when mood observably fluctuates from your baseline. You may feel on top of the world for a period of time, and then followed by a sorrowful period when you feel somewhat down-hearted. Between these cyclothymic instability, you may feel well-balanced and healthy.

    To meet the diagnostic criteria for cyclothymia, an individual must experience this alternating pattern of emotional instability for a period of at least two years with no more than two consecutive symptom-free months. For children and adolescents, the duration must be at least one year. 


    Cyclothymia Symptoms:

    Cyclothymia is indicated by a short pattern of depression and hypomania that fail to meet the sustained duration criterion for major affective syndromes.


    Depressive/dysthymic episodes: Symptoms of the depressive/dysthymic phase include:
    • difficulty in making decisions
    • problems concentrating
    • poor memory recollection
    • self-reproach
    • self-criticism
    • low self-esteem
    • pessimism
    • self-destructive thinking
    • constant unhappiness
    • boredom, hopelessness
    • helplessness and irritability
    Also common are quick temper, poor judgment, lack of motivation, social withdrawal, appetite change, lack of sexual desire, self-neglect, fatigue, insomnia and sleepiness.

    Hypomanic episodes: Symptoms of the hypomanic episode include:

    • unusually good mood or cheerfulness (euphoria)
    • extreme optimism
    • inflated self-esteem
    • rapid speech
    • aggressive or hostile behavior
    • lack of consideration for others
    • agitation
    • massively increased physical activity
    • risky behavior
    • spending sprees
    • increased drive to perform or achieve goals
    • increased sexual drive
    • decreased need for sleep
    • tendency to be easily distracted, and inability to concentrate

    Cyclothymia Causes:

    The precise cause of cyclothymia is not known. It is known that major depression, bipolar disorder, and cyclothymia often take place together within families. There may be a genetic component to cyclothymia: In a particular study, it was found that an individual is 2–3 times more likely to have the disorder if an identical twin is affected.

    Cyclothymia Treatment:

    In cyclothymic disorder the feelings of depression or instability are usually what cause people with to seek medical help. No medicines are particularly endorsed for the treatment of cyclothymia, although mood stabilizers such as lithium and Quetiapine (Seroquel) have both shown to be particularly valuable and are sometimes recommended as a possible strategy to reduce mood fluctuations. 
    The use of anti-depressants as monotherapy typically worsens cyclothymia and can induce mood switching, cycle acceleration, mixed states and prolonged treatment resistance.

    If you have any symptoms of cyclothymia, search for medical help as soon as possible. Cyclothymia normally doesn't get better on its own. If you're unwilling to be on the look out for treatment, find the bravery to confide in someone who can help you take the first steps.

    If an individual has symptoms of cyclothymia, talk openly and honestly with that person about your issues. You can support and be of help to find a qualified doctor or mental health provider. 

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