These tips should be regarded as suggestions or guidelines for men who have already grown a beard.............
caring for your beard requires a modified set of instructions, because the hair on your face is different than the hair on your head....
- Keeping your beard cleaned and well conditioned is important
- If you're going to trim your beard yourself, you'll need the right tools which can be, either to trim using scissors or a beard trimmer.
- If your beard is gray, conditioning is key because grey hair can grow thicker and more bristly than colored hair.
- Just like your hair, wash and shampoo your beard regularly. A mild shampoo is recommended because it is easier on your skin.
- Do not trim a wet beard or mustache. Wet hair is longer. When it dries you may find you've trimmed too much.
- Because beard hairs are so coarse, conditioners will have less effect on the beard than on the hair on your head. But a conditioner will still help make your beard feel softer.
- Comb your beard and mustache with a wide-toothed comb to remove tangles. Optionally, you can finish up by using a brush.
- A clear shaving oil will allow you to see what you are shaving and will help ensure clean lines around your beard.
#A well maintained beard looks really cute on the right face and offers a nice change from time to time.
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