What To Do When You Have a Heart Attack.... - COREHEALTH INFO What To Do When You Have a Heart Attack.... - COREHEALTH INFO

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    What To Do When You Have a Heart Attack....

    these are the things you should do when you are having warning signs of a heart attack.......

    Heart attack occurs when the heart doesn't receive the blood flow because of an obstruction. An obstruction can develop when a build–up of fatty plaque accumulates in the coronary arteries. Without blood and oxygen, the heart begins to die. 
    Early treatment is extremely important in the case of a heart attack. Therefore, know the symptoms. Detect it as early as possible.heart attack symptoms are:

    • shortness of breath
    • Breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea. 
    • Discomfort in other parts of the upper body, especially arms, the back, neck, jaw or even the stomach.
    • chest discomfort that either lasts for more than two minutes or leaves and comes back. It is generally described as a feeling of tightness, pressure or pain
     Heart attacks are not always fatal, but you should not wait to respond to a heart attack. If you suspect that you or someone else is having one of the symptoms above, respond immediately...

    1. when you notice an increase in chest pain, act quickly. Pain that lasts longer than 5 minutes, a shortness of breath, weakness, nausea or feel lightheaded. These symptoms are all common during a heart attack.
    2. sit or lie down
    3. call for emergency help as soon as possible or have someone take you the hospital
    4. Take nitroglycerin tablets, as directed by your doctor, if you have them.
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